
Hello! I am so happy you made it here.

That may sound crazy, but I know if you made it to this page you are ready to make some changes!


How to begin?

Without realizing it, you may have already begun the process. Congratulations!
Right this minute you are doing the next right thing to get you moving towards the changes you know you want. The courage to search for the help you need shows your inner-most self that the relief you crave is in reach.

If you have never been in therapy, or if therapy is old hat, let me assure you that you will be surprised by the experience you can have working with me.
I am not the therapist who stares back, blank faced, and repeats what you say. I am here to work actively with you. My feedback and presence should help you to access the parts of you that already know the best solutions to your problems.

The answers you seek are within you.

Even though you are smart, if you could access that wisdom on your own, you already would have. This is territory you simply don’t yet have the tools to navigate.

We have all been there. We are social creatures. We are designed to need and seek help from others who have the experience and expertise we need.

Let me help.

Therapy can be fun, and the subject is you – so it won’t be boring

When you come to my practice, I want you to feel seen and heard from the first session. If I am your therapist, you will know it internally.

It might feel like excitement or fear, but the sensation can be like when you push off from a zipline… or a diving board… or maybe a first-time experience with a person you knew you were going to meet someday. I have heard it described this way many times.

Therapy is a highly discussed and much maligned process. I was saved by it and know that there are as many types and flavors as Baskin Robbins has ice cream. You are reading this to find out if I might have the style you like, but at the same time aren’t so sure that you know what that is.

I want you to get the help you need.

I come from a place of confidence and generosity in this arena. If I can help you best, I am excited to do so. If I am not your best fit, I will do all I can to help you find a therapist who is. That is the beauty of loving my profession so much that I have a wide and deep network of fabulous therapists I can recommend without hesitation.

Therapy works.

Most people who work with me for some time report that they came away with far more than they expected from therapy. They consistently say that the gains were well worth the effort. We will work together to create the most efficient and effective path to get you the results you desire.

With EMDR and The Daring Way, based on the research of Brene Brown, I stay current on the latest evidence-based therapies and show up with what I believe is the coolest toolbox in the schoolyard! You can learn more in depth about these therapies and others I use on my services page.

I have over a decade of personal recovery from chemical dependency and other destructive addictive patterns. I believe in the power to overcome all obstacles through intensive one-to-one therapy and in profound process group work.

I do advocate strongly for the 12-Step path of recovery when it is appropriate, but I also value and honor all paths that lead an individual to healing.

This opens the door to the conversation about spirituality. I am open to explore all the ways you want to connect more deeply with whatever allows you to know that you are part of a greater whole. I love the many paths. Let ‘s talk! This is about you.

A snippet about me…

I have lived in every time zone in the U.S., from New York to Hawaii, and have a passion for people, travel, and cultures. I am the mother of two amazing young adults who taught me more than any graduate program ever could have. I have been a working artist all my adult life, and it is possible you own plates I designed.

I love my work as a therapist passionately. Despite a trauma history that was dark and my own descent into addiction, I believe that life and people are basically wonderful. The hurt ones hurt others. I am here to help. Call me.

  • Get the Help You Need